Books are the Best Products


Books have always been romanticized by people. A man's best friend, a whole new world, a portal to a magical land. So on and So forth. Here, we'll talk about books in a way they are seldom talked about, like products you should invest in. In my not-so-humble opinion, Books are the best products.

Low-cost single time purchase

Books are one of the cheapest and most accessible sources of information available to mankind. Unlike Netflix, Amazon Prime, or even our Internet Service Provider, which require you to pay-to-use very frequently, Books are a one-time purchase deal. Now, I know that books seemingly contain a fraction of the information that the Internet does. But, books win hands down in accessibility to reliable information. Google is not what it used to be 10 years ago. It was once a magical search engine. Now, it is stale as an army of SEO clerks try their best to not give us the most relevant content. Google no longer has all the answers. Books do.

No quality depreciation

Readers have various rules regarding their books. From no earmarked pages to always opening the books only up to a specific angle, reading rules are crazy. And kinda unnecessary if you ask me. Unless you deliberately burn or drown your books, nothing else is truly going to make them unreadable. They may wear down and turn yellow with rustic edges, but books survive. Most people still keep inherited books from their grandfathers, but how many us are actually using the same phone we did 5 years ago?


Books are the most self-sustaining products ever. Reading books only requires two things:

  1. The Book
  2. Light (which is plentily available for free). Atleast for now.

Enough Said.

P.S. I know you need to be able to read, but literacy is a pre-requisite for almost all information products.

Public and Personalized

Books do this magical thing where they are the same for everyone to read. Yet everyone reads them differently. Reading a book is a very uniquely personal experience. A book is not one concrete thing that exists in isolation. It is partly constructed by the reader, every time they read it, influenced by their own thoughts and beliefs and life experiences. The author only does half of the work; the reader does the rest. And that resulting reading experience belongs to the reader alone.

Unbeatable ROI

According to Investopedia, ROI tries to directly measure the amount of return on a particular investment, relative to the investment’s cost. For a product with an average price of around 500 rupees, Books give uncharacteristically high-returns. You can earn much more than the price you paid for the book, by simply writing an online review for it.

Now that I have helped you realize how good books are as products, you are almost obligated to buy one for me the next time you are buying one for yourself. 


  1. Books is not a product but a feeling for me. Loved your post

  2. Wow! Though I'm not too much into reading books, this post shows a good point of view on books, especially on quality depreciation. Loved it.

  3. You have interesting take on why books are a great investment. Totally agree and investing too much in my kids' books as well as mine.

  4. haha!I'd love to gift you a book - my favorite pastimes is to read and talk about books over coffee with a friend :)
    Well written article - Books are a good investment and you make plenty arguments clearly showing its merits :)

  5. An interesting take on books. I am so proud of my collection of books, glad you put it out here in black and white .

  6. Book is definitely our best friend. Books are best friend

  7. Hahaha! Yes, books do survive through generations, but a former colleague of mine stopped buying/ hoarding books because termites had got to her very extensive collection and reduced them to a pile of dust. Even Tharoor couldn't escape their wrath. But all in all I do get the sentiment.

  8. Anddd this is so true!!! It's an escapeee

  9. I could not agree more, during the last 5-6 months, books helped me like never before. These are my stress busters and hence i chose book reviews as my them for this challenge too.

  10. Reading a book is indeed an unique experience which the Internet cannot provide...

  11. Awesome! Books, not diamons are woman's best friends

  12. Book is such a stress buster and man's best friend. Liked all your points about why book is a great investment

  13. Book is a best friend. I can definitely gift you one, I love gifting books.

  14. Such an interesting take on Books! Every element you have enlisted holds true. Books are indeed best self-sustaining products ever.

  15. I loved your take on books as a product. They are indeed timeless. I have 50 year old copies that I keep going back to.

  16. I really enjoyed reading your take on the books as product. complete with the ROI. I agree about Google vs Books, books win hands down!

  17. Books are precious They have a complete world in them . Unbeatable ROI for sure. Can not stress enough how valuable they are Nice Post

  18. Aha such a bookilicious post, so much love and feelings are involved when we hold the book in hands. They have so many stories, characters, a different world altogether. Agree they make us atmanirbhar, nice post.

  19. Only a book lover will understand how important each line of this post is. What a lovely read!

  20. Totally get you.I bought the famous five box set when my daughter was 4 as a gift,which she is reading now when she is eight and giggling away.The best gifts next to plants.

  21. This is indeed an interesting take on books and I agree that books are great. But I'm not sure if I can agree to all the points. If google has changed over the years, so does the book publishing too. Now so many options available to get published anyone can be an author.(even I'm a so called author!) So with the ever growing population of books how can we find the right book that contains the knowledge that we seek? Google maybe?!
    Also, to stand out among this crowd to be able to sell more copies is another struggle. That brings us to ROI for the writers. With so many book bloggers around it will be another hard task to make someone click that referral link to book review to get back the money we spent. But I must admit that the knowledge we get(if we get) will be priceless!


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