To Everyone Who says, Suicide is not an Option

To Everyone Who says, Suicide is not an Option 

Well, tough.

For many people, rich and poor, successful and failed, it sometimes is the only one. People don't actually want to end their lives, but they do want the pain to stop. It is sad, so sad to admit that sometimes, in certain situations in life, people do choose death over life. These people don't need you to tell them "Only cowards commit suicide" or that "Suicide is never an option". They have been on that road and returned bruised. broken and barely living. So, instead of saying it isn't an option, accept that in the current economy, it kinda is. Try and create other options. If you have the mental and financial capacity create better alternatives that death for people who need it the most.  Reach out to people. Offer help, ask for help. Be a part of the process in a manner that goes beyond trending tweets and sad Instagram posts. 

Here are some NGO's you can volunteer for:

At the very least talk to your family and friends and be there when they need you. Remember to put yourself first though.

To all the Lone wolves,

We started living in societies for a reason. None of us is a lone wolf. We need each other. Men are not immune to mental health problems. Testosterone isn't a substitute for dopamine. In the words of Mikesh, " Be a man, and cry like a bitch". SSR was a Mechanical Engineer, the epitome of masculinity in Indian society today. It did nothing for him. Let go of all the imaginary ideas of masculinity and call your friends to cry. It's okay.

To everyone who thinks Depression is a hoax,

Depression is not the consequence of a bad decision. Not something you do to yourself. It is a disease like your fever is. Though much more potent and deadly. As we have already seen. SSR was also an actor. His job was to express. And he chose to die, instead of speaking out. Unlike most things on social media today, Depression is not a hoax. Don't go investigating the reason behind everyone's depression. It is neither your place nor your job. Instead of conducting regular privacy invasions, try and create spaces where people can freely speak out. 

To all the poets, I have loved before,

Stop romanticizing depression. It isn't artsy to forget what it feels like to cry.

To every fitness enthusiast,

Your mental fitness is also equally important and needs attention. Reaching out to people and speaking about your feelings isn't easy. But, neither are leg days. You need to actively work on your mental health. Discuss meditation techniques as frequently as you discuss protein shakes. Be healthy, physically, AND mentally.

To everyone reading this,

Talk to your parents/friends/counselor about any issue you are facing. Seek help. It doesn't make you weak. It just makes you human.


  1. Expressed it very well. Depression is real and everyone needs to understand that

    1. Rightly said. Let's all start by reaching out to 5 people in our lives, we think may be suffering.

  2. We do need to open up about mental health issues as a society. Let's listen to the people around us and make the effort to reach out.

  3. The most wise, honest and beautifully written post on a topic it is very difficult to write on. You have given me food for thought, and I will be thinking about what I read for a long time.
    Thank you for writing this.

    1. This is such a sweet comment! Thank you. I will be thinking and gushing about this for a long time.

  4. You have given a powerful message in simple words. Depression is a reality and those who make fun of it need to be educated.

  5. Very very important message. Loved this post.

    - Ujjwal Mishra MywordsMywisdom

  6. Liked this one. You've written it well.

  7. Beautifully written. Material on suicide prevention should be widely spread..

  8. i dont think depression is like a fever. depression is about someone feeling low for a reason. and that reason can surely be dealt with either by the person themselves (once they realize it) or by a therapist. I have through bouts of depression but have gotten myself up by just adjusting the way i live and think.

    1. Hey Cindy! Glad to see you interested in the discussion.
      Though I am not a mental health expert, feeling low due to situational conditions may not necessarily be depression.
      Depression medically is a mental health disorder which can manifest as Clinical Depression or even be a symptom for something else such as Bipolar Disorder. In such cases, it is almost impossible for the patient to get going by only adjusting the way they live and think.

  9. That was beautiful. Its time we stop advising and start practicing

  10. I agree it is easy to said than done. Nowadays people all across the country are giving plenty of advice for mental health. but on practical side, it is way more important to help someone who need it most rather than throwing unwanted gyan all the time.

  11. Surely thinking depression is not there is like a 404 error page and both mental and physical well being is an important.

  12. I completely agree with you. It isn't easy to be a depressed person nor there is any guarantee that it can't lead to suicide if one doesn't express or convey the thoughts. Having said this, we as a society needs to be more empathetic towards people around us, and give a ear out rather than quickly judging.

  13. Intriguing and thought provoking post. Loved it. The thing is most people say that they should have reached out but irony is that they themselves aren't around when somebody actually reaches out. Depression is either mocked or not taken seriously. I sometimes, do think on these lines whether a person should be allowed to take his/her life or not and get contradictory answers. Keep the good work going.

    #MyFriendAlexa #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia

  14. Thought-provoking and a beautifully written post.

  15. You are correct when you say that physically fit people also have a duty to spread about the importance of mental health along with physical health.
    The post is very relevant and helpful.

  16. Been there done that...Suffering from Clinical post natal depression since 36 years and trying to help others now. Only those who want to get out of it can do it I feel.Some resign themselves to the fact that they are doomed and end their lives. Am glad I had a guardian angel who saved me and I now am strong enough to help those who need it

  17. Yes nobody thinks of suicide as an option. Moving ahead and talking should be more simpler as humans can communicate their words well than any other species.

  18. Still there is a lot of stigma attached with mental health. open discussions are very impt for peace in life. Well written dear.


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